All Trusts Overview
Benlee Property Trusts is a wholly owned Australian entity focused single mindedly on the income and growth potential of modern, industrial and commercial properties in Australia.
Our fundamental strategy is to identify well-let, existing properties in prime locations and to invite suitable parties to participate in their acquisition via unit holdings in a managed trust.
This structure has the following benefits for unit holders:
- Participation in the Australian property market without the need to actively be involved in the day-to-day management of such properties.
- Collectively gain access to large scale properties with stable, long term tenants that would otherwise be out of reach of the single, small investor.
- Derive regular income (paid bi-monthly) and potentially obtain capital growth.
- Benefit from over 50 years experience and the competence of the property manager.
- Obtain regular and comprehensive reporting from the Trustee and Manager about their investment.
- Offer an ideal vehicle for pension or superannuation funds.
- Easy investment process with low entry level.
- Access to the Property Manager and Trustee whenever needed.
- Reassurance that all trust affairs are overseen by a Licensed Trustee
- Units can be sold or purchased at any time (subject to supply and demand.)
We are currently pursuing several opportunities in our sphere of operation and would be happy to discuss these or any other matters of interest with potential investors.

Benlee Property Trust No 5

Benlee Property Trust No 6

Benlee Trust No 8

Benlee Property Trust No 9

Benlee Stronghold Property Trust No 10

Benlee Property Trust No 11

Benlee Stronghold Property Trust No 12

Benlee Property Trust No 13

Benlee TPF Townsville Property Trust

Condell Park Industrial Property Trust

Kings Cross Property Trust

Kingsgrove Property Trust

Richlands Industrial Property Trust